Baghouse filter.
Contaminated dusts in the air treated by the biodesulf baghouse filter are captured in the filter pockets which are manufactured in a special filtering fabric. The type of equipment, the shape and the type of bags used are selected according to the volume of air to be filtered and the type of dusts.
The baghouse filters produced by biodesulf are sized to ensure greater efficiency and to guarantee emissions within the ever more restrictive regulatory standards. Air to be treated passes inward through the filtering bags, depositing dust on the external surface. The dust falling from the bag is collected into the hoppers.
To prevent dust from accumulating on the bags, thus blocking the filters and limiting their efficiency, the standard baghouse filters produced by biodesulf are provided with backwash systems. In these systems, compressed clean air, controlled by an economizer with manometer, is injected into the dust collector in the reverse direction.
The discharge hoppers are provided with palletized dust collector bins or other appropriate collector and scavenging devices such as screw conveyors or star valves.
Biodesulf Biyogaz Çevre Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Desülfürizasyon (desulphurisation) , Koku giderme (odor treatment) , Alev tutucu (flame arrester) , Biogas flare (biyogaz yakma bacası) , Biogas equipment (biyogaz ekipmanları) , Digester mixer (çürütücü tank mikserleri), Çakıl filtre (gravel filter) , Gaz balonu (gas holder) , Blower (hava üfleyici) , UV (ultaviole)