Horizontal with 2 levels of filtering.
Pollutants in the air treated by the biodesulf SCRUBBER are absorbed by chemical reaction through washing with reducing reagents. The horizontal scrubbers produced by biodesulf are double-stage to ensure greater efficiency and to guarantee emissions within ever more restrictive legal standards. biodesulf can manufacture three-stage horizontal scrubbers on request.
First stage (acid):
The intake air is washed on a large static contact surface (air and wash solution), passing horizontally over the capturing components sprinkled from above with an acidic solution with a pre-determined pH. The air then passes through demisters (blades which separate droplets), which remove excess reagent before passing on to the second stage, avoiding liquid carry-over.
Second stage (basic + oxidant):
Air from the first stage is washed a second time with the same process, with an oxidant in a basic solution with a predetermined pH and oxidation-reduction potential. The air then goes through appropriate demisters before passing on to the third stage.
Biodesulf Biyogaz Çevre Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Desülfürizasyon (desulphurisation) , Koku giderme (odor treatment) , Alev tutucu (flame arrester) , Biogas flare (biyogaz yakma bacası) , Biogas equipment (biyogaz ekipmanları) , Digester mixer (çürütücü tank mikserleri), Çakıl filtre (gravel filter) , Gaz balonu (gas holder) , Blower (hava üfleyici) , UV (ultaviole)