Quencher Qc

QUENCHER cooling tower.

biodesulf QUENCHER is of evaporation and water atomization type, and it cools down the fumes temperature utilizing the most recent technologies through compressed air and specially designed atomizing lances.

The fumes enter through the upper section of the cooling tower where they are properly equalized. The fumes reach then the lances area where they are washed by water jets that has been atomized with compressed air. The atomized water evaporates with a great absorption of calories, because of the high latent heat of vaporization. For a fine temperature regulation, after the tower the fumes are further cooled, using ambient air injected through a suitable valve.

The proper calibration of water, compressed air and dilution air flow, is fundamental to achieve the precise control of the output fumes temperature. This is achieved with properly instrumentation controlled by specific software and PLC, provided with LCD panel to visualize the process variables and to permit the supervision of the installed equipments.

Biodesulf Biyogaz Çevre Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Merkez  : Bahçelievler Mah. Yıldızlı Sok. Emre Apt. No:11/1 Bahçelievler/İST
Şube : Halkalı Merkez Mah. 1. Posta Sok. Cadde 24 No:12/138 Küçükçekmece/İstanbul
Tel : 0212 813 36 81

Desülfürizasyon (desulphurisation) , Koku giderme (odor treatment) , Alev tutucu (flame arrester) , Biogas flare (biyogaz yakma bacası) , Biogas equipment (biyogaz ekipmanları) , Digester mixer (çürütücü tank mikserleri), Çakıl filtre (gravel filter) , Gaz balonu (gas holder) , Blower (hava üfleyici) , UV (ultaviole)