Nova Rotors specialises in the construction of progressive cavity pumps. This type of pump is highly flexible in terms of operation and application, a factor which has enabled it to achieve considerable market success. Its unique features makes it suitable for use in a variety of different industries.
The main features of this type of pump are:
Uniform flow proportional to the speed.
The progressive cavity pump is a volumetric, self-priming, rotary positive displacement device. The “conveying” parts consists of two elements, the rotor and the stator. The rotor, typically metallic, is single or multiple screw with a rounded thread, extremely large pitch, considerable length and high eccentricity in relation to the core diameter.
The stator, typically elastomeric, is embedded with a cavity in the shape of a 2 or multiple screws, double threaded, compared to the rotor, and with the same eccentricity.
The rotor, rotating within the stator, is forced to perform a hypocycloid roto-translational movement. This coupling of the two elements always creates a line of contact along the profile that guarantees the seal between them. This movement creates an airtight chamber that shifts with a helical movement, from the suction casing to the delivery casing.
The Diamond series features a patented universal pin joint that ensures top performance and unprecedented flexibility of use. The standardization throughout the entire range of products achieved with this joint has resulted in optimal spare parts management as well as simplified and economical maintenance, without sacrificing reliability and long life.
Screw pump due to the small dimensions of the high, allow the pumping of the product without pulsation and keep the fluid unaltered without damage it. Accept the presence of
solid parts and can be suitable to pump fluid with viscosity up to 1.000.000 cps.
Biodesulf Biyogaz Çevre Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Desülfürizasyon (desulphurisation) , Koku giderme (odor treatment) , Alev tutucu (flame arrester) , Biogas flare (biyogaz yakma bacası) , Biogas equipment (biyogaz ekipmanları) , Digester mixer (çürütücü tank mikserleri), Çakıl filtre (gravel filter) , Gaz balonu (gas holder) , Blower (hava üfleyici) , UV (ultaviole)